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Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh


Local Government Engineering Department

Office of the Executive Engineer



Memo No: 46.02.0400.                                                               Date : 15.04.2019


e-Tender Notice No- 30/2018-19


e- Tender is invited in the national e-GP system portal (http://www.eprocure.gov.bd) for the procurement as bellow: Procurement Method: (LTM)


Tender ID

Name of Works

Last Selling Date & Time



GSIDP/BGN/DW-73, Improvement of Grade Laxmipur Village Khalifabari Jame Mosque Union Betagi Sadar. Latitude22.428742 Longitude 90.208605. (LTM) (Estimate Cost-3,00,043.00)

05.05.2019 17:00



IRIDPPB/BARG/PATH/UNR-07, Improvement of Kathaltali UP-Kamarer Hat via Salehia GPS Road by BC from Ch. 00-3000m including Structure Road ID- 504853019 Patharghata (4th Call). [OSTETM]

05.05.2019 17:00

This is an online Tender, where only e-Tender will be accepted in the national e-GP portal and no offline/hard copies will be accepted. To submit e-Tender, registration in the national e-GP system portal (http://www. eprocure.gov.bd) is required. The fees for downloading the e-Tender documents from the national e-GP system portal have to be deposited through on line at any branches of registered Banks branches. Further information and guidelines are available in the national e-GP system portal and from e-GP help desk (helpdesk@eprocure.gov.bd).






                                                                                                                                       Executive Engineer

                                                                                                                                         LGED, Barguna.


forwarded for favor of information & with circulation to :-

  1. The Chief Engineer, LGED, LGED Bhaban, Level-5, Agargaon, Dhaka-1207
  2. The Additional Chief Engineer, LGED, Barisal Division, Barisal.
  3. The Superintending Engineer, LGED, Patuakhali Region, Patuakhali.
  4. The Project Director, GSIDP/IRIDPPB, LGED H/Q, Dhaka-1207.
  5. The Upazila Engineer, Betagi/Patharghata, LGED, Barguna.
  6. The Editor “The Financial Express, Dhaka, for Publication in 5"x3 col. Size for one day for one time on or before 18.04.2019 positively".
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